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This unique lucky charm retains the face of a Daruma doll even when turned upside down. After much trial and error, the designers wanted to create a three-dimensional piece of trick art that was fun to look at, and they created Daruma-da, which can be enjoyed by picking it up and turning it upside down.

There are times when you have to work hard with an indomitable spirit, as taught by Bodhidharma, and there are times when you can smile. Enjoy using it in different ways, such as changing the face depending on how you're feeling today, or changing it to a smile when you achieve your goal.


Thankful Fruit Series

The "Arigata Mi" series expresses gratitude for familiar fruits.
Uniformly sized grapes, Koun apples, Koun bananas, and Eternal Love, Peach, Longevity and Peace watermelon.

Each one depicts an auspicious motif.

Artist: YOICHI
Artist: YOICHI

Eternal youth

Ever since I was a child, I loved eating peaches from the backyard. Even now, I love peaches and when I see them, I can't help but buy them. Peaches are familiar in people's lives, such as in old tales and the Doll's Festival. When I researched "peaches," I found out that in Japanese mythology they are called "the fruit of the gods," and in China they are called "senka," the food of immortals, and are said to have the power to grant eternal youth and longevity and ward off evil. Feeling the incredible power of the familiar peaches, I expressed my own auspicious peach that represents the wish for eternal youth and longevity and good fortune.


Sweet banana...

The "Arigata Mi" series expresses gratitude for familiar fruits.

Bananas, which we often eat as a snack, are full of the strong vitality of the everlasting summer sun, brightening our moods and giving us energy. Their yellow color makes them an auspicious fruit that brings good fortune. Thanks to the hard work of producers, we can now easily enjoy delicious bananas. However, behind the sweetness of bananas lies the reality that producers are suffering from health hazards caused by the aerial spraying of pesticides, contamination of drinking water, and non-transparent and unfair contracts.


Happy Cloud Apple

In myths and stories from all over the world, apples have been spoken of as a symbol of happiness.
This is an auspicious apple decorated with a phoenix, which is said to be a sign of good fortune.
This piece also contains modern lucky motifs such as four-leaf clovers, rainbows, and shooting stars, which give meaning to hope.


Happy Cloud Apple

In myths and stories from all over the world, apples have been spoken of as a symbol of happiness.
This is an auspicious apple decorated with a phoenix, which is said to be a sign of good fortune.
This piece also contains modern lucky motifs such as four-leaf clovers, rainbows, and shooting stars, which give meaning to hope.


Happy Cloud Apple

In myths and stories from all over the world, apples have been spoken of as a symbol of happiness.
This is an auspicious apple decorated with a phoenix, which is said to be a sign of good fortune.
This piece also contains modern lucky motifs such as four-leaf clovers, rainbows, and shooting stars, which give meaning to hope.

Hakata Doll Zodiac


There is always a guardian deity somewhere in the house. I hope that it will be a presence that supports you emotionally throughout the year. With this in mind, I create zodiac guardian deities.

Hakata Doll by Yoichi Nishiyama
Artist: YOICHI

Appearing from the waves

I once went to see the Noh play "Funabenkei" at a Noh theater. The most exciting part was when Taira no Tomomori appeared, challenging the enemy to a fight even after becoming a ghost, and I was fascinated by the sheer force of it. I wanted to recreate that force and emotion in this piece. Suddenly, thunder began to rumble and a storm broke out, and Taira no Tomomori appeared from the waves with a naginata in hand. I beautifully depicted this impressive scene in Noh costume to express the powerful presence of Taira no Tomomori.

Hakata Doll by Yoichi Nishiyama

I was in love

The sight of him wearing Narihira's keepsake and reflecting in the water mirror as he recalls Narihira's face is heartbreaking and fantastical. This popular work of pure love that transcends time and space is reborn, and I felt the same sincere heartfelt love for someone that has remained unchanged since the past and present when I created this piece. The piece is carefully colored with gold powder to further enhance the beauty of the Noh costume with a pattern known as the Narihira diamond.



From the small Noh play "Hagoromo". A heavenly being blesses the earth, dancing and raining down treasures. "Treasure" is the very essence of people's "happiness". The piece is imbued with the hope that the shower of treasures will make people feel gorgeous and happy. The dancing heavenly being is gorgeously depicted with a tense phoenix, and at its feet is a painting of Miho no Matsubara in spring.

Artist: Yoichi Nishiyama
Artist: Yoichi Nishiyama

Daikoku and two-pronged radish

A humorous piece depicting Daikoku-sama and a radish representing a woman, wishing for prosperity of descendants.
Three-faced Daikokuten

Three-faced Daikokuten

"Sanmen Daikokuten" is a theme I created for the Hakata Gion Yamakasa festival float, and I found it interesting that it is a trinity of the strongest gods of fortune. It is said that Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who unified the country from the son of a peasant, worshipped it as his personal Buddha, so it must give courage to people who are working hard even in difficult circumstances. I hope that you will make your dreams come true by using the three virtues as your allies. Sanmen Daikokuten is the face of Daikokuten on the front, Bishamonten on the right, and Benzaiten on the left, making it the strongest god of fortune in three parts. Daikokuten is the god of abundant harvests and good fortune, Bishamonten is the god of victory and wealth, and Benzaiten is the god of arts and literature, and is also known as the god of fortune.

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